OK while I wait for parts, I am turning my attention to the paint. I have no idea how I want to approach this. I was thinking I could get the paint in spray cans and quarts. I could paint all the surfaces that you can't get to when assembled. Then I could drive it to the body shop. Or, I could load the body fenders etc on the trailer and take the "Kit" to the body shop then put it on the chassis. In any event I am trial fitting the grill and fenders now.
I cannot come up with the paint color. I definitely need help. I want to paint it Emerald Green. KW and others show it as Emerald Green DQE-40530-DAL. None of the paint shops in town can cross that number. My paint supplier is telling me they can't help without a paint chip. I have no original paint anywhere that can be matched. I would hate to just pick a color. I was hoping to get an original paint color.
Any ideas?