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Thread: Stuck Flywheel

  1. #1

    Stuck Flywheel

    Trying to remove the flywheel from the F134. Tried some light tapping and prying, but no use so far. Will welcome any solution/suggestion. Thank you

  2. #2
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    It is probably stuck on the 2 tapered dowl bolts. They are sometimes reamed out and replaced by a precise fitting bolt. In any event spray it down with some penetrate like Kroil. Be sure to soak the bolt shanks where they come through the flywheel. You should be able to tap the outer edges of the flywheel and get it rocking back and forth. Keep us posted. It shouldn't be terribly difficult. Just a little stuck.

  3. #3
    My patience ran out. I ended up drilling out the tapered pieces and tapped off the flywheel. Can I use conventional bolts when reinstalling?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    The Dowl pins hold the flywheel in precise location. You should drill and ream the tapers out and use grade 8 shouldered 9/16 bolts. There is a procedure in the Universal Jeep Service Manual that covers the process pretty well. You want to be sure the bolts fit precisely. If the flywheel can move around even slightly, its a bad thing. Once you drill and ream the bolt holes. you will need to be sure the flywheel is in the correct location. You should indicate it for run-out on the face and the O.D. The Jeep manual steps you through this as well. If the flywheel ends up wobbling in any direction, a lot of things will go wrong.
    Last edited by bmorgil; 01-11-2020 at 08:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Thanks! Read up on the procedure and it looks pretty straightforward.

  6. #6
    Received the dowel pin kit from Vintage Jeeps. This will replace the tapered bolts. A little labor intensive, but necessary. You can access the old jeep service manual: Page 65 section D-87
    I also received the 35/64 bit and 9/16 ( .5625 ) reamer from Amazon. Flywheelkit.jpg, fwbolts.jpg

  7. #7
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Thanks for the Manual

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfireguy View Post
    Received the dowel pin kit from Vintage Jeeps. This will replace the tapered bolts. A little labor intensive, but necessary. You can access the old jeep service manual: Page 65 section D-87
    I also received the 35/64 bit and 9/16 ( .5625 ) reamer from Amazon. Flywheelkit.jpg, fwbolts.jpg
    A. I pulled the manual and put it in my archive - maybe I can answer somebody's questions from it.

    B. Sometimes we have to bite the bolt (or bullet) and just buy the right tools and parts to do the job right. A six inch rule and a rusty hammer just won't get it done.


  8. #8
    You bet! That manual has a lot of great info. Some pics could be more clear but its obviously dated.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfireguy View Post
    You bet! That manual has a lot of great info. Some pics could be more clear but its obviously dated.
    The "obviously Dated" is the most important thing about it! (Just like Larry and I)

    I am going to ask Amy to post this in the Tech Section.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmorgil View Post
    The "obviously Dated" is the most important thing about it! (Just like Larry and .

    Read that carefully guys, we're dated, as in old, not "dating".

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