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Thread: Problemas de encendido

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2019

    Problemas de encendido

    . Requiero ayuda con la siguiente pregunta: recientemente tengo problemas con el encendido, he cambiado todo el sistema de alta (Cables, Bujias, Tapa de distribucion, Rotor, bobina, condensador, platinos), pero no he podido arrancar el motor, se agota primero la batería. Seria bueno una ayuda en este sentido. El ajuste de los platinos es a 0.20, para ayudarme un poco, lleno manualmente el carburados, he verificado condensador y bobina y esta bien. Gracias

  2. #2
    Member Nemo von Klepper's Avatar
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    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by carl gerard View Post
    Ignition problems
    I need help with the following question: recently I had problems with the ignition, I changed the entire system of spark plug cables, spark plugs, distributor cap, rotor, coil, condenser, points, but I could not start the engine, has drained the first Battery. It would be good if I could get help in this regard. I adjusted the plates to 0.20. To help me a little, I manually filled the carburator, I have verified the condenser and coil and they are fine. Thank you.
    Dos cosas:
    ¿Verifico usted si hay chispa de la bujía? Usted puede sacar la bujía y con el cable conectado dejarla colgar tocando el bloque para ver si hay una chispa azul brillante mientras que el arranque esta girando.

    Según mi manual de Willys, el ajuste de los platinos es 0,22 pulgadas o 0,508 mm. No se si usted esta utilizando medida métrica o de pulgadas.

    Two things:
    Have you verified that the spark plugs have spark? You can let the spark plugs hang from the cable against the engine block while you turn the starter to see if they have a bright blue spark.

    My Willys manual says the point gap is 0.22 inches or 0.508 mm. I don’t know if you’re using metric or inches.
    Last edited by Nemo von Klepper; 02-16-2019 at 11:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Gracias amigos amantes de los Jeep`s. Tienen un magnifico lugar para comprar, y dialogar sobre nuestros carros. Saludos

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    La solucion fue arreglo en la admision. la bomba estaba rota.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Nemo, its a good thing you are a member of this site! Hablo español como Tarzán.

    I thought you were working on a no spark issue. Carl's solution however, was to fix the intake the pump was broken. I must have missed something here.

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